Bachelor and Master Thesis Opportunities

Finding a supervisor

Our group supervises as many students as possible, but we often do not have the capacity to supervise all interested students.


Prerequisites for thesis candidates

Applicants must have significant experience in machine learning, e.g., as acquired through courses offered by our group (passed with a grade of “good” or better) or an equivalent qualification. This often includes a deep conceptual understanding of machine learning and significant programming experience. The necessary skills vary depending on the thesis topic, e.g., purely theoretical theses require more mathematical than programming skills. Candidates must possess the necessary abilities before applying. Cooperation with an external party (like a company or research institute) is usually only possible when the collaborating party does not significantly reduce scientific autonomy (e.g., regarding data access, topic selection, and thesis trajectory).

Application form

Interested students can contact us with the thesis application form as a PDF, a curriculum vitae or resume, and a cover letter. Please provide evidence of relevant skills. Degree theses are often connected to ongoing research in our group. However, it is also possible for students to suggest their own topics/ideas.

Application channels

1. Contacting researchers directly

Candidates can apply to potential supervisors directly using the standardized form above. In your email, please detail your reasons for reaching out to the particular individual.

How to find suitable researchers:

Students may send a follow-up email if a researcher does not respond, as messages can sometimes be overlooked amidst numerous emails. Please wait at least two weeks before writing such a follow-up mail.

2. Applying via a mailing list

In addition to targeted applications via channel (1), candidates can send their application to thesis(∂) using the standardized form above. This distribution list reaches most researchers in our group. Responses will be provided only if your application aligns well with the needs of at least one researcher in our group.

3. Contacting the Thesis Coordination Team

If previous application attempts via the outlined channels are unsuccessful, and you meet the necessary thesis candidate prerequisites, you are encouraged to contact the Thesis Domain Coordinators. Please include a brief summary of your prior application attempts in your communication.

Thesis Domain Coordinators:

For topics not covered by the above domains, or for general inquiries and feedback regarding the application process, please direct your correspondence to thesis.coordination(∂) If students do not receive a reply from the Thesis Domain Coordinators or the mailing list, they may send a follow-up email after a waiting period of at least two weeks.

Thesis supervision offerings

Please be aware that we often keep the titles of available theses confidential, as they frequently pertain to our current, yet-to-be-published research. Group members can access our internal database.

High-level overview of inquiring researchers

Supervisor and email address High-level topic(s) Bachelor / Master
Alexander von Lühmann (vonluehmann(∂) Biomedical Sensing Master
Shinichi Nakajima (nakajima(∂) Probabilistic ML Master
Sidney Bender (s.bender(∂) Generative Modelling for XAI Master
Thomas Schnake (t.schnake(∂) XAI Master
Mihail Bogojeski (m.bogojeski(∂) Quantum Chemistry Master
Stefan Gugler (stefan.gugler(∂) Quantum Chemistry Master
Pengzhou (Abel) Wu (pengzhou.wu(∂) Probabilistic ML Master

Publicly advertised thesis topics

MS/BS Topic Supervisor + email address Date of entry Additional information
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Next steps after having found a supervisor

General information (link)

After having found a supervisor, students prepare a thesis proposal that includes

  • the research question and its context/motivation,
  • related work,
  • preliminary methodological and/or experimental results,
  • and formalities such as the number of ECTS credits and the writing time specified in the student’s examination regulations.

The supervisor can help the student with writing the proposal. Students may register their thesis with the examination office once Prof. Müller or an authorized senior researcher approves the proposal. We encourage students not to underestimate the time required for writing the proposal. Furthermore, consider that we may require some time to review the proposal. Therefore, it is helpful to apply to our group early.